Two new IRM case updates

  • Tipo de artículo Noticias y artículos
  • Publication date 08 May 2024

Incheon, 8 May 2024 - The Independent Redress Mechanism (IRM) has registered two new case updates. The first concerns C0009 Egypt and involves a labor-related complaint, while the second involves the opening of a new case, C0010 Uganda.

The IRM has concluded the problem-solving phase of a labour-related complaint on case C0009 Egypt and published a Final Problem-Solving Conclusion Report. While one complainant successfully reached an agreement through the problem-solving process, a second complainant was unable to do so. Consequently, the IRM has referred this second labour-related complaint to compliance review.

The IRM has opened a new case C0010 Uganda related to the GCF Project FP034: Building Resilient Communities, Wetland Ecosystems, and Associated Catchments in Uganda. This case, declared eligible under the IRM’s Terms of Reference and Procedures and Guidelines, raises concerns including restrictions on wetland access, inadequate compensation and consultation, heightened food insecurity, among others.


Sobre el Mecanismo Independiente de Recurso

As part of its mandate, the Independent Redress Mechanism (IRM) addresses complaints by people who believe they are negatively affected or may be affected by projects or programmes funded by the Green Climate Fund (GCF). The IRM is independent of the GCF Secretariat and reports directly to the GCF Board.

For more information about the IRM:

Contacto con los medios de comunicación

  • Peter Carlson, Communications Officer, Independent Redress Mechanism, [email protected]